Lunds universitet i Science Village

Lunds universitets etablering i Science Village

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Science VIllage-området tar fart. Byggnad Space till vänster och The Loop till höger, samt Möllan i mitten. Bild av Cecilia Schubert
juni 19, 2024 | LU i Science Village

Summer greetings and update from the project team

Detta blogginlägg på svenska The Science Village Establishment (Phase 2) project team wishes everyone a great summer with lots of well-deserved rest! 🌞 Before …
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februari 29, 2024 | LU i Science Village

Management meeting across borders in Science Village

At the end of February, the management teams of Lund University's Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and the Faculty of Science gathered to gain a …
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  • English
  • Rundtur
  • Science Village området
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februari 7, 2024 | LU i Science Village

Presentation from the information meeting on February 5, 2024

Here is the presentation held by the project group in collaboration with White arkitekter during the information meeting on February 5, 2024, in Lundmarksalen. …
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  • English
  • Event
  • Lokalprogram
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