Lunds universitet i Science Village

Lunds universitets etablering i Science Village

Timeline of Lund University’s establishment efforts in Science Village

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Lund University has actively worked on establishing activities in Science Village since 2016. Below are two separate timelines covering the university’s establishment efforts.

First, the timeline for establishing Nanolab Science Village in the area is presented. Nanolab Science Village has been a separate project from the work on Stage 2. Then, a timeline focusing on the establishment of activities from the Faculty of Science and LTH (Stage 2) is presented.

The timelines start from the present and go backward in time.

Timeline for the Establishment of Nanolab Science Village


Nanolab Science Village announces the procurement process to find a landlord in May 2023. The building is expected to be completed by early 2028.

Next milestone on Lund University’s road to Science Village: landlord wanted


In January 2022, a steering group for Nanolab Science Village is formed, with Annika Mårtensson, Vice Chancellor of LTH, as the chairperson.

In June, a decision is made to initiate the procurement process for Nanolab Science Village, following a previous decision by LTH in December 2021.


A decision to proceed with the procurement is made by LTH’s board in June 2021.

In December 2021, a project plan for establishing a new Nanolab in Science Village is adopted.


LTH’s board decides to move forward in the process of establishing a new NanoLab in Brunnshög. In this decision, LTH’s rector assigns LU Building the task of conducting a market study to subsequently proceed with the procurement of a landlord.


Detailed work plan approved.


Fundraising efforts for Nanolab Science Village commence. As of the current date (2023), the following have contributed to the new NanoLab: Olle Engkvists Foundation, Crafoord Foundation, and Sparbanksstiftelsen Finn.


Extensive work on investigations, specification requirements, and more begins. An initial cost estimate for a new NanoLab is developed.


Already in 2014, a need for a new cleanroom is identified. After exploring the possibility of an expansion adjacent to the current cleanroom and making plans to proceed with that idea, a decision is instead made in spring 2016 to shift focus to a new cleanroom in Brunnshög. The discussions involved LTH, the Department of Physics, NanoLund, and the Dean of the Faculty of Science.

Timeline for Establishment of Activities in Science Village from the Faculty of Science and LTH


In response to a decision by the Vice-Chancellor in December 2022, the Faculty of Science and LTH decide to establish an operational project group and steering group. The project group, in collaboration with LU Building, will identify future needs for facilities related to research, educational environments, and collaboration from the respective entities.

The steering group for LU Building’s part of the facility program work has the overall coordination responsibility for LU’s establishment in Science Village.

The Science Village Office is discontinued as part of the new reorganization.

During the spring, four design dialogues were held, co-led with the architecture firm Sweco, which developed the method. Employees from the chemical and physical institutions, including researchers and technical and administrative staff, participated in the dialogues.

The dialogues aim to support the operational development for the co-location of chemistry and physics and to provide a basis for a shared premises programme that will form the basis for further decisions regarding Lund University’s establishment in Science Village.


In October, LTH and the Faculty of Science submit a mapping report and a memorandum (PDF) containing a scope proposal. The boards of both faculties decided to request the Vice-Chancellor to continue investigating which activities can be established in the area as part of Phase 2.

On December 15th, the Vice-Chancellor decides to instruct LU Building to finalize a facility program based on Scenario 5 by the end of 2023.

Vice-Chancellor’s decision: Continued investigation of Lund University’s establishment in Science Village (in Swedish).


The Science Village Office is established following decisions by the boards of LTH and the Faculty of Science and after a decision by the University Board that the work concerning Science Village should be conducted at the faculty level.

The office is established on July 1, 2021, with a mandate to:

– assist the faculties, the Faculty of Science, and LTH, with the establishment work;
– prepare material related to the establishment;
– investigate possibilities and develop a strategy for external contributions to financing the establishment.


The University Board decides that undergraduate and advanced education will be conducted in Science Village.

A working group, together with representatives from the entire university, develops a shared vision for Lund University’s establishment in Science Village, which is adopted the same year.

University-wide vision for the Science Village establishment (In Swedish, PDF, new tab, 5 MB)


Projektgruppen får i uppdrag, enligt Universitetsstyrelsens beslut, att fortsätta etableringsarbetet och titta på följande områden:
– hur arbetet ska bedrivas;
– grundutbildning som del av etableringen;
– ta fram ett lokalprogram som kan ligga till grund för fortsatt arbete för etablering av verksamhet i Science Village.


During the spring, an orientation decision is made by the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University regarding further investigation of the university’s establishment in Science Village, and the working group “LU@SVS” is established.

The preparatory group is tasked with advancing the establishment plans and investigating the scenarios developed in connection with the Brunnshög Inquiry, in order to make decisions about the scope of LU’s Science Village establishment.

The conclusions of the preparatory group are published at the end of November in the report “LU@SVS” (In Swedish, new tab, PDF, 1.5 MB).

In December, the University Board decides to instruct the Vice-Chancellor to initiate the establishment of research activities in Science Village and to establish a project group that will develop an action plan for the implementation of the work. The board also decides on further investigations into the prerequisites for undergraduate education in the area.


In February, the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University appoints a working group to develop an action plan for the university’s establishment activities in Science Village.

The working group’s final report “Brunnshög Inquiry” (PDF) describes five possible scenarios for Lund University’s establishment in the area, ranging from no establishment at all (Scenario 0) to an establishment of about 75 people (Scenario 1) up to more than 1,000 people (Scenario 5).


LU Building initiates an investigation into the potential placement of the university’s operations in Science Village, in collaboration with the faculties Lund University School of Engineering (LTH), the Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Medicine.

Decisions and Materials

All the materials for the preparatory work regarding Lund University’s establishment in Science Village have been gathered here on the blog – “Decisions and Materials”