This blog post was originally published on the Science Village-office blog. The Science Village-office has been closed and thus this post is now being published on the LU in Science Village-blog.
At the beginning of October, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) jointly submitted a formal request to the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University to continue investigating the establishment of activities in the Science Village. This request was discussed at the Vice-Chancellor’s Management Council last week, on 24 November, and it is hoped that the Vice-Chancellor will shortly decide on further investigation.
Recently, the faculty management teams have held several meetings to discuss how to proceed. They have agreed that the work will be carried out in a project form and are now discussing how the project team will be put together. The plan is to identify project leaders, other relevant skills and to establish a project plan, once clearance for further investigation has been received.
The establishment in Science Village is of great strategic importance for the faculties, therefore both Annika Olsson, Dean of LTH, and Sven Lidin, Dean of the Faculty of Science, will be part of the project steering group. Representatives from the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics, as well as student representatives, will also be involved.
To link the continued work closer to the regular activities of the faculties, the faculty leaders have also agreed to slightly change the role and mission of the Science Village office. In future, the office will work primarily on issues related to the detailed planning work for the establishment, the location of Skåne University Hospital in Lund and the university’s campus plan 2050.
From next year, all employees in the office will be based at the faculty offices, where they will continue to have tasks related to the Science Village establishment.
We at the Science Village Office look forward to continuing our work on the establishment together with everyone involved.