This blog post was originally published on the Science Village-office blog. The Science Village-office has been closed and thus this post is now being published on the LU in Science Village-blog.
As the year is about to end, we at the Science Village Office are looking back on the past year and talk about the next step in the establishment of Lund University in Science Village.
Consultation, scope proposals and the way forward
During early spring, faculty coordinators Knut Deppert and Charlotta Turner worked on scope proposals with six different scenarios for how a chemistry and physics establishment could look like in Science Village. More than 50 meetings with approx. 1000 people in different constellations were held. The scope proposal with scenarios 5 and 6 was sent out for consultation in the spring and we received well thought out and carefully prepared responses from you, for which we are grateful. Many thanks also for the work you put into the risk analysis of the establishment. Thanks to you, the faculties are able to progress in the process. The Faculty of Science and LTH have chosen to proceed with one of these scenarios, scenario 5, and in October a request was sent to the Vice-Chancellor for further investigation.
Live talks on Zoom
The SV-Office has not only reviewed the consultation responses, but also organised several breakfast and lunchtime Talks on different topics, led by the SV-Office’s coordinator Eva Åkesson. The latest call, Sven Lidin, Dean of the Faculty of Science, and Annika Olsson, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) discussed the opportunities and challenges to establish in Science Village. We were particularly pleased to hear that several of you watched the recording in lunch and coffee rooms, together with you colleagues!
Open Houses, visits and other activities
Visits to the SV-Office have been numerous, ranging from intensive working meetings and workshops to spontaneous visits and drop-ins at our Open Houses. We have received visitors from the University of South-Eastern Norway, Paris-Saclay University in France and Malmö University, interested in LU’s establishment. Our guests have had the opportunity to play a little as they built houses with blocks and Lego and read Donald Duck on a visit to “KVAX IV”. Thank you to everyone who visited us – we are grateful for the contribution to ideas, thoughts and your commitment to the process.
During the year, the SV-Office has also exchanged experiences with Chalmers, Ångström, MAX IV, Skissernas and with Nanolab Science Village, which is one step ahead of stage 2. We have met with several researchers at LU, including from Architecture and Built Environment, in order to make use of internal expertise. It is not possible to describe everything the SV-Office has done during 2022, but it has been a fantastic year of learning which we will make use of in the future process for the Science Village establishment.
Exhibition and information on the Science Village establishment
The material and maps produced to visualise Lund University in the Science Village and the establishment process has been put together in a travelling exhibition. It will be displayed at various faculties, departments and other venues on campus in 2023. If you would like the exhibition to be visible at your premises, please contact us.
The Science Village office moves
The Science Village office will move from IKDC to the Faculty of Science Office. If you would like to visit in 2023, the new address is: Astronomihuset, Sölvegatan 27 in Lund. We are looking forward to a co-location, new colleagues, even closer collaboration and more opportunities to reach out with information, both at the Faculty of Science and at LTH.
Continued investigation prior to the establishment in Science Village (updated with English translation)
Yesterday, 15 December, Lund University Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström decided that the faculties can proceed with the establishment. A steering committee has been appointed, chaired by Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz. The Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), a representative from LU Estates and a student representative will be part of the steering committee. The steering commitee will make sure that the project progresses, the timetable is kept and decide on working groups. With the decision from the Vice-Chancellor, project leader and assistant project leader will be appointed by the faculties. Work will speed up after the holidays so that the timetable of acitivities can be presented by 1 March 2023 followed by the comprehensive external and internal plans (lokalprogram) which needs to be completed by 30 December 2023.
Us, working at the SV-Office, are looking forward continuing to support LTH and the Faculty of Science in establishing activities in Science Village.
The SV-Office would like to say Thank You to all who have participated and engaged in the work during the year. We wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!