This blog post was originally published on the Science Village-office blog. The Science Village-office has been closed and thus this post is now being published on the LU in Science Village-blog.
Decision by the Vice-Chancellor
Today, the Vice-Chancellor decided (V 2021/3292) to give LTH and the Faculty of Science the task of proposing which parts of the faculties are to be established within Science Village and which parts to be developed at Sölvegatan. LTH and the Faculty of Science will also propose a division into stages for the establishment within SV. A survey of the departments concerned shall be produced and an analysis of how research and education are affected by the development shall be made, including a risk and impact analysis and a plan for how increased premises costs shall be financed. Both mapping and analysis must be approved by the respective faculty board. In connection with the identification of which academic areas are to be established within SV, the Campus Development Office/LU Estates, together with the property owners and faculties concerned, shall investigate the impact and opportunities for the existing campus. We, at the SV-Office appreciate the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, it gives us a starting point for the work with the establishment in Science Village.
Action plan
The Science Village Office has developed an action plan for implementing the mapping for proposals for the scope of stage 2. The faculty coordinators, Knut Deppert and Charlotta Turner, have already begun the work to produce proposals for which relevant parts of the departments that the faculties will be given the opportunity to give feedback on.
Two meetings have initiated the process with an approach that can provide some perspective (see picture) regarding both the research and learning environment. The purpose is to gather information to analyze how research and education are affected by different proposals. The boards of School of Engineering and the Faculty of Science will receive the proposals in March/April. After their approval, the proposal will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor. We look forward to the Vice-Chancellor decision on the establishment for stage 2 in May – if everything goes according to our action plan.

The University Board decided in December 2018 that Lund University will start establishing parts of the faculties in Science Village (STYR2018/2003). The work 2019-2021 led to a draft “lokalprogram” that was presented to the University Board in April this year (STYR2021/1053), which included approximately 25,000 square meters of space and included the parts of the faculties that are relevant for establishment in Science Village. The exact scope of establishment needs to be clarified and The School of Engineering and the Faculty of Science finds a need to revise the “lokalprogram” and the establishment based on previous decisions.