This blog was originally published on the Science Village office blog. The Science Village office has now been closed and thus the blog is now published in the LU in Science Village-blog.
Lund University’s work to establish itself in Science Village has been ongoing for several years. Important steps towards an establishment, ranging from preparing indoor plans to a joint vision, have already been taken. Efforts to successfully create a presence in central Science Village are now further concretized through a joint office for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering, LTH. The new project office will oversee the process and more specifically coordinate and implement decisions made by these faculties regarding the Science Village establishment.
The office will work closely with all parts of the university, with special focus on the Faculty of Science and LTH, which will move parts of research and education to Science Village.
Lund University hopes that the establishment will inspire and help enable further important research progress, create new education programs and study environments. It is also envisioned to continue building on the rich student life throughout the whole campus. The office will be important in helping to achieve these goals and set visions for the establishment.
The office opened at Ingvar Kamprad Designcentrum (IKDC) on 1 July and is headed by Professor Eva Åkesson, former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Lund University and former Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University, working alongside Carina Jarl, Project Manager.
An office open to everyone
The office is an open space to everyone and offers everything from rotating workspaces for those working with the establishment to the possibility to just pass by with questions about Lund University in Science Village.
Exhibitions, public webinars and breakfast seminars are some of the activities that the office will offer this autumn.