- What is Science Village, Brunnshög?
- Why is Lund University establishing operations in Science Village?
- When is Lund University expected to be established and moved into new premises in Science Village?
- How is the work of establishing Lund University in Science Village organized?
- Where is Lund University expected to establish activities in Science Village?
- How large are the university’s premises expected to be in Science Village?
- When is a premises programme for Stage 2 expected to be ready?
- When will the procurement of a landlord related to Stage 2 become relevant?
- Are there sufficient financial means and resources to establish LTH and Faculty of Science in Science Village?
- What is the preliminary cost estimate for Nanolab Science Village?
- What is the estimated cost for Lund University’s establishment work regarding Stage 2?
- Will Lund University offer education in Science Village?
- Are there plans for other university activities in Science Village beyond what is planned as part of Stage 1 and 2?
What is Science Village, Brunnshög?
Science Village is located in Brunnshög, an area covering 2,250,000 square meters in northern Lund (see map below). Within this area, a new residential district with parks and facilities has been developed, and it is also where MAX IV and ESS are located. An area of 180,000 sqm between these facilities is called Science Village, which will mainly be developed with premises for research, education, and innovation activities. The land is owned by Science Village Scandinavia AB, a company owned by Region Skåne, Lund Municipality, and Lund University.
– Learn more about Brunnshög, Lund Municipality – lund.se/brunnshog
– Learn more about Science Village on Science Village Scandinavia AB website – sciencevillage.com
Why is Lund University establishing itself in Science Village?
Lund University’s goal in establishing itself in Science Village is to create new collaborations and synergies in research, education, and collaboration by co-locating various activities and taking advantage of the proximity to the modern research facilities MAX IV and ESS.
When is Lund University expected to be established and moved into new premises in Science Village?
According to the current schedule for Stage 1, Nanolab Science Village is expected to be ready for occupancy around 2028 (this date is subject to change) in newly constructed premises.
Stage 2 involves the establishment of the physical institution, the chemical institution, and parts of electrical and information technology (EIT) in Science Village. These activities are expected to co-locate and begin moving in around 2030 (also subject to changes) in newly constructed premises. In total, this concerns activities currently conducted in approximately 40,000 square meters. No decisions regarding the scope of activities to be established in Science Village have been made yet.
How is the establishment of Lund University in Science Village organized?
For Nanolab Science Village, Stage 1, there is a project organization and a steering group – more details can be found here – lusciencevillage.lu.se.
In Stage 2, there is an operational project group at the faculty level that has been working (during 2023) on developing an initial common premises programme for the new operations. This programme describes both the future business activities and the need for new premises. In addition to this work, an overarching steering group, chaired by Vice-Chancellor’s representative for campus development Per Mickwitz, is responsible for the overall coordination of the establishment work for both Stage 1 and Stage 2.
There is also a faculty-based steering group which is responsible for overseeing the development of activities within the relevant institutions, possessing detailed knowledge of their specific needs. It also takes a position on complex operational issues. This steering group is led by Annika Mårtensson, Vice-Chancellor for Sustainable Campus Development and Broadened Recruitment at LTH.
Where is Lund University expected to establish activities in Science Village?
The location of Nanolab Science Village in Science Village is determined (see area map below). The location for the activities within Stage 2 has not yet been decided, but the area below is being explored as a potential site for Lund University’s other planned activities.

How large are the university’s premises expected to be in Science Village?
Nanolab Science Village will have a total area of 5,700 sqm, with 4,800 sqm being highly specialized premises, including a 1,400 sqm vibration-controlled cleanroom.
According to the decision “Continued Investigation Establishment in Science Village” (STYR 2022/1713), the work on establishing Stage 2 involving the Faculty of Science and LTH in Science Village will be guided by the fact that the current area should be smaller than the approximately 40,000 square meters for activities included in scenario 5. An exact area has not yet been determined.
Is there a premises programme for Stage 2?
A premises programme for Stage 2 was submitted to the Vice Chancellor at the turn of the year 2023. In 2024, this programme will undergo revisions and evaluations. Volume studies will be conducted based on the intended location, along with overall site plans or block plans, and estimations of approximate rental levels.
When will the procurement of a landlord for the establishment involving Stage 2 take place?
By the Vice Chancellor decision in December 2023, the university has established a preliminary schedule for Stage 2, where the processing of the premises programme is expected to continue until the fall of 2024, and the feasibility study is estimated to be completed by the spring of 2025. The overall goal is to compile the procurement documentation for the landlord by the summer of the same year.
Nanolab Science Village is further along in the process and is already in the process of procuring a landlord.
Read more here: Next Milestone for the University’s Path to Science Village: Seeking a Landlord – nano.lu.se.
Are there sufficient financial resources for establishing the Faculty of Science and LTH in Science Village?
The university leases its premises and thus does not take out major loans or incur debts. Lund University also works with a long-term perspective, so the current interest rates and construction costs are of less importance. What matters more is what the costs will be later on, including interests, and thereafter when it becomes relevant to procure someone for construction.
Lund University also faces the need to carefully weigh these costs against the potential gains that establishment in the area can bring. Collaboration opportunities and synergies with research institutes, companies, and other organizations that choose to be present in Science Village constitute a valuable component. Not taking the step of establishment would also incur costs, including renovation requirements for existing structures and missed opportunities for valuable collaborations that in themselves can generate external funding through research grants.
What is the preliminary cost estimate for Nanolab Science Village?
Similar to other premises, Lund University will lease Nanolab Science Village. A rough initial estimate of construction costs is around 500 million SEK. Currently, it is impossible to determine the future rental cost.
What is the estimated cost for Lund University’s establishment work for Stage 2?
It is too early in the process to specify the rental costs for future buildings that will house university activities, as well as the exact costs for the construction of these buildings. During the fall of 2023, an initial rough estimation of the expected future rental cost will be conducted.
Will Lund University offer education in Science Village?
Yes, the Faculty of Science and LTH are expected to offer education at both undergraduate and advanced levels in Science Village. The area will primarily have programs in chemistry and physics, but this does not exclude other types of courses scheduling educational components in the same premises.
Are there plans for other university activities in Science Village beyond what is planned as part of Stage 1 and 2?
No decisions have been made at present, but Lund University is working to ensure that there is room for expansion possibilities.