This blog post was originally published on the Science Village-office blog. The Science Village-office has been closed and thus this post is now being published on the LU in Science Village-blog.
The Faculty Boards of the Faculty of Science and and the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, have decided to request to the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University to further investigate the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science in Science Village. The further investigation will be guided by the fact that the current area will be less than the current approximately 40,000 sq.m. for the activities included in scenario 5 and that further investigation will determine the scope of activities and the number of sq.m.
Continued investigation prior to the establishment in Science Village (pdf, 187 KB)
As a basis for the decision, the Science Village office has compiled a report, consisting of a summary of the consultation responses with SWOT analyses, risk and impact analysis, PM Premises and Financing, and mapping of the current situation and assessed development with consequences for the establishment in the Science Village (see also Back to school… what happens now?).
Mapping report (pdf, 2 MB)
PM Scope proposal including stages (pdf, 255 KB)
Be patient – we are in a planning phase
Intensive planning work is being done at the faculties, the Science Village office and LU Estates. The next blog post will go into more detail about what will happen, how it will be done, when and by whom. Be patient, we are in a planning phase! The Vice-Chancellor and the faculties need time to decide on further investigation, organisation and give input to the work that is to be done. Things will clear up, and everything will be dealt with in the right order. We will get back to you!